Mumbai: During the National Lok Adalat held on Saturday at Debt Recovery Tribunal (DRT) III in Mumbai, a remarkable 288 cases were settled amicably, resulting in a total recovery of Rs. 127 crore. This achievement marks one of the highest recoveries ever made by DRT III.
Mumbai's DRT III Achieves Record Recovery of ₹127 Crores in National Lok Adalat | FPJ
The Lok Adalat was conducted under the guidance of Mr. Ashok Menon, the chairperson of the Debt Recovery Appellate Tribunal. According to Mr. Sanjai Jaiswal, the registrar, two panels were formed in consultation with the District Legal Services Authority (DLSA). The first panel, led by Mr. Arun Kumal Singal, included Mrs. Nasima Theba Don and Mrs. Shereen Malik. The second panel was headed by Mr. V.N. Lothey Patil and included Mr. G.A. Kshirsagar and Mr. Sapan Kumar.