Mumbai: The city experienced cloudy skies, gusty winds, and light to moderate rain showers on Monday morning. According to the Indian Meteorological Department (IMD), these weather conditions are expected to persist, with heavier rains anticipated later in the day for both the city and its suburbs.
Today's Weather Update
Monday started with a minimum temperature of 24°C, which is expected to rise to a high of 28°C. Throughout the day, temperatures are predicted to average around 28°C in both the city and suburbs. Southwesterly winds are forecasted at a speed of 5.6 km/h. The sun rose at 6:09 am and will set at 7:20 pm.
Weather For The Coming Days
Looking ahead, the minimum temperature is expected to rise slightly to 25°C on Tuesday, with a slight drop to 24°C on Wednesday and Thursday. For the week, minimum temperatures will range between 23-25°C, while maximum temperatures are likely to vary between 27-29°C.
Heavy Rains To Continue This Week
The city and surrounding areas can expect heavy rainfall throughout the week as the monsoon has now settled in the region. The IMD has issued alerts for heavy rains in the city and surrounding regions. This rain will provide much-needed relief from the high temperatures experienced in recent weeks following a series of heatwaves over the past few months.
AQI Falls In Satisfactory Category
Regarding air quality, the Air Quality Index (AQI) for PM10 particles in Mumbai currently stands at 75, which is classified as 'satisfactory'. According to SAFAR-India, AQI values between zero and 50 are considered 'good,' while values between 50 and 100 are 'satisfactory.' Moderate caution is advised for AQI levels between 100 and 200.