For the first time, Somaiya Vidyavihar University organised a media conclave to create awareness about media literacy in the digital era. A two-day conclave ‘Media Manthan’ was organised by the Department of Mass Communication of S.K. Somaiya College with various talents from the fields of journalism, films and advertisements sharing their knowledge and experience with the students.
Media Manthan was established under Sanchar Manch, the media body of the Mass Communication department of S.K. Somaiya College. A total of seven sessions were held during the two-day event discussing various topics ranging from journalism, advertisement to films and psychological aspects of media and information flow. With the theme of Media Literacy, Media Manthan talked about understanding, questioning, and navigating the messages encountered in everyone’s daily lives.
Dr. Sanjay Singh, Senior Journalist, CA Monica Lodha, Director of SK Somaiya College, and Ms. Richa Chaudhary HOD of Mass Communication inaugurated the conclave by lighting of the lamp and reciting the Somaiya prayer.
Senior journalists shared insights
Senior journalists from the industry shared insights about risks and opportunities in investigative journalism and the skills required for media students. Writers, journalists and media professors from esteemed universities enlightened students during different panel discussions regarding ‘Media Literacy in Various Generations’, ‘Media Literacy and Films’, ‘The Psychology of Misinformation’, ‘Global Perspectives of Media Literacy’, ‘Media Literacy, Advertising and Content Writing’ as well as ‘Digital literacy’.
Media Expert and Professor Dr. Sanjay Ranade and Senior Psychiatrist Dr. Harish Shetty shared the stage to talk about the psychological aspects of misinformation, disinformation, and mal information. Filmmaker and director Nikkhil Advani engaged the students with his journey into Bollywood and shared tips to the budding filmmakers and actors.
Event photography and videography
Students from the mass communication department also had first-hand experience of event photography and videography, managing guests, reporting about the conclave as well as taking interview bites of the speakers invited to the conclave.