Mumbai: Exchange of Political criticisms are high these days because state assembly elections are on the corner. On Monday, Shiv Sena MP Milind Deora targeted former cabinet minister Aaditya Thacekray. He tweeted that Aaditya Thacekray should not speak about other random issues and should focus on his constituency Worli.
In his tweet Deora tweeted "Instead of writing love letters to the BMC Commissioner on random issues, He should present a real agenda for Mumbai's development. Under the leadership of CM Eknath Shinde and DCM Devendra Fadanvis we have seen substantial infrastructure progress in Mumbai. While, you stalled major projects like Mumbai Metro during the MVA regime. But Mahayuti worked tirelessly to complete them... to be clear, Mumbai will get the biggest public park at Mahalaxmi Racecourse,replacing your 2013 theme park idea with unprecedented green cover."
Moreover he also mentioned in a tweet that he Should focus on Worli constituency. "I witnessed your unpopularity firsthand on Saturday at Worli and where your candidate barely led by 6500 votes in the lok sabha elections."
Moreover, Aaditya Thackeray met BMC Chief Bhushan Gagrani on Monday and attributed his attention towards the various issues of Worli. Apart from that he also suggested giving financial support to BEST undertaking, repairing roads before the arrival of Ganesh festival.
Aaditya also demanded all the MPs and MLAs of Mumbai should be involved in the discussion of Coastal road landscape design and Objected the hoardings on the coastal roads. Aaditya claimed that Delisle bridge could be completed because we were following it rigorously.