Mumbai: On the occasion of Independence Day 2024, the Shanmukhananda Sabha, Sion, conferred the 'Sri Shanmukha Shaurya Ratna Award' to Lt. Gen. Dr. V. Ravishankar, VSM, (Retd.) recognizing his contribution to national defence. "In a significant step to encourage the civil society to be a part of the armed forces, the Shanmukha Shaurya Ratna Award has been set up. This year the award was conferred to Lt. Gen. Dr. V. Ravishankar, VSM, (Retd.), a 2nd generation Army medical officer who completed his medical studies from the Maulana Azad Medical college, New Delhi, in 1976, while his father, elder brother, and his brother-in-law together make the family represent all three defence services," the Sabha president V. Shankar explained. The families of 15 army martyrs were also honoured on the occasion, with cash awards and mementoes.
The event started with the chanting of the national anthem and was followed by a series of patriotic songs to invoke the spirit of the independence movement. Lt Gen. HS Kahlon, AVSM, SM (Retd), the former General Officer Commanding (GOC) of the Maharashtra, Gujarat, and Goa (MG&G) Area, who presided over the ceremony, was also felicitated.
15 army martyrs honoured
The jawans who were posthumously acknowledged for their service and sacrifice were havaldar Ashok Gosavi, naik Sonawane Nilesh Rambhau, naik Rajat Rumal Bhai Ravji, naik Gore Amol Tanhaji, sepoy Gawai Anand Shatrughna, sepoy Thakur Rasangjai Savji, naik Anil Kumar Pandey, naik Somnath Baban Khaire, havaldar Santosh Tanaji Jagdale, subedar Arun Laxman, subedar M Manikrao Devrao, sepoy Pachange Fakkad Dagadu, havaldar Karde Hanumant Nivrutti, naik Shirish Kumar Bhise, and naik Dharwade Gautam Dadu. The award was collected by 'veer naaris,' the wives of these late heroes.