A day after the violent incident outside Mumbai's Mankhurd railway station where auto-rickshaw drivers had recklessly hit a youth, the police have arrested one Aqeel Yunus Shaikh, while the other two accused named Sohil and Asif are still at large, informed the senior police officer of Mankhurd police station Mahadev Koli.
The incident took place at the rickshaw stand outside Mankhurd railway station on Saturday morning around 9.50 am and a case was registered at Mankhurd police station around 4.20 pm. The video of the incident had gone viral on social media.
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As per the information provided by the police, the auto-rickshaw driver had demanded extra fare from the plaintiff Sohail Inayat Ali Ansari (21). But Ansari refused, which caused the rickshaw driver to lose his cool and start abusing the passenger. Two other drivers joined him. The victim was injured after he was punched repeatedly and was also thrashed by a waist belt on his chest and head.
The Mumbai police also informed that the accused had threatened the victim not to approach the police after the assault. However, the victim decided to register the case. The police have registered the case against three accused under relevant sections 326/24 of Bhartiy Nyay Sanhita.
The search for the remaining two accused is underway, added the Mankhurd police station.