Mumbai: Rajeev Kumar has taken over the charge of the post of Principal Chief Materials Manager of Western Railway on 2nd May, 2023. He is an Indian Railways Stores Service Officer (IRSS) of the 1987 batch.
Who is Rajeev Kumar?
Prior to this, he has worked at Western Railway in the capacity of Chief Materials Manager (Admin). He has 34 years of experience of working with Railways in various capacities in South Eastern Railway, ICF, Southern Railway, NCR, Railway Board & RITES.
He has also worked as a Programme Manager & Sr. Procurement Specialist in foreign postings in Sri Lanka and Afghanistan. He has also worked with many organizations viz. RITES Ltd., ICAR, SAUs, Health Ministry projects, etc.
IIT Delhi alumni
He has vast experience in work related to Tendering, Tender evaluation, Contracting awarding for Government procurement, WB/ADB funded projects in India and abroad.
Kumar is a Mechanical Engineer from IIT Delhi and holds an M.Tech degree in Mechanical Engineering (Thermal) from IIT Delhi. He also has a Post Graduate Diploma in Alternative Dispute Resolution (PGD-ADR) from NALSAR University, Hyderabad, a Graduate Diploma in Materials management (GDMM) from the Indian Institute of Materials Management and has undergone Professional Training in Indian Railway Administration, Procurement etc. at Railway Staff College, Vadodara.