The Mumbai police arrested a 40-year-old person from central Mumbai for attempted culpable homicide on Sunday. A video of him riding a motorcycle with seven children on board had gone viral on social media. On June 20, Sohail Qureshi, the Twitter user who posted the video that went viral, captioned it, โThis irresponsible maniac is riding with seven children on a scooter. He should be immediately arrested for risking the lives of seven young children. Even the parents of these kids should be prosecuted.โ
He had tagged the Mumbai Police in the caption.
Police Registers Case
Once the tweet went viral, the Mumbai police promptly registered a case under Indian Penal Code Section 308 (attempt to murder) at Tardeo police station.
Mumbai Police Tweets Accused's Photo
On Sunday, the Mumbai Police tweeted a photo of the accused with his face blurred. The tweet read, โNot the ride we support! This rider had put the life of all pillion riders and others in danger. A serious offence u/sec 308 IPC for attempting to commit culpable homicide not amounting to murder has been registered against the accused rider. #FollowRules #SetRightExample.โ