The Samata Nagar police on Thursday arrested three alleged members, including a woman, of a spiderman gang notorious for thefts in housing societies. The trio was identified as Chetan Prakash Rathore, Deep Prakash Panchal, and Ambika Shankar Rathore, all residents of Andheri. They had terrorised neighbourhoods from Andheri to Kandivali. The stolen booty, including 25 gm of gold rod, a gold chain and a diamond ring, has been recovered from them.
On the night of June 17, they burgled a house in the Icon Society in Kandivali East and decamped with assets worth ₹1.85 lakh. Following the registration of the case, Assistant Police Inspectors Amol Bhagat and Sandipan Ubale launched a search operation for the accused. With the help of information from sources and technical investigations, they succeeded in apprehending the trio from Andheri.
According to the police, the gang is involved in numerous thefts. Several cases have been filed against them across various police stations in Mumbai.