Mumbai: The Enforcement Directorate (ED) on Thursday claimed that Shiv Sena (UBT) man Suraj Chavan has earned ₹1.35 crore from the firm which was awarded the contract to distribute khichdi to migrants, poor and needy people during the Covid pandemic.
Chavan was arrested on Wednesday evening and was produced before the special court on Thursday. ED prosecutor Sunil Gonsalves sought his custody for eight days. The agency claimed that he used his proximity with a senior political leader to get the contract of khichdi awarded to the firm M/s Force One Multi Services.
Gonsalves contended that Force One had no kitchen of its own and had sublet the contract to Sneha Caterer and Golden Star Banquet Hall and Catering Services.
₹1.25 crore diverted to Chavan's personal account: ED
The ED claimed that further investigation into the scam revealed that Force One earned a total ₹3.64 crore in the project, out of which ₹1.25 crore were diverted to Chavan's personal account and further ₹10 lakh to his partnership firm M/s Fire Fighters Enterprises.
The ED in its application seeking Chavan's custody said he played no role in supplying khichdi. However, Force One paid him the share by showing him an employee of the firm from the financial year 2019-20 and funds were transferred to him as salary and some in the form of personal loans. Besides, the ED claimed that to project him as an employee of the firm, two forged and backdated appointment letters in the name of Chavan were created.
Chavan's lawyer Harshad Bhadbhade opposed the plea saying that the ED has admitted that Chavan played no role in supply and distribution of the khichdi. Besides, he contended that Chavan has been falsely implicated just because of his proximity to a political leader.
Bhadbhade contended that Chavan had no concern with Force One and Shayadri, which too was given a contract of supplying khichdi. “Is it an offence to know a politically influential person or proximity with a politician is a crime. The ground of arrest is not justified,” Bhadbhade contended.