Mumbai: The Siddhivinayak Temple officials on Wednesday filed a police complaint with the Dadar police station and cyber crime cell after devotees came to the temple seeking prasad and aarti they had booked from an app that was not authorised to do the same. Temple officials said that they registered a complaint and also requested devotees to approach the temple directly or through its website.
Fraud by
Temple authorities identified the illegal app that had been taking booking as It has filed a police complaint with the cyber crime department and requested devotees to either approach the temple directly or through its website -
"Yesterday we found out about this app. Today some people came off and on to take prasad. They had booked pooja and came here to take prasad. When they came today we got to know that bookings are being done. Our executive officer instantly approached the police and a complaint was filed. We request all devotees to ensure that they do not fall for any app and either approach the temple directly or through its authorised website," said Aadesh Bandekar, chairman of Siddhivinayak Temple.