The Mumbai Police's Economic Offences Wing (EOW) has officially lodged a First Information Report (FIR) against Rahul Yadav and Sanjay Saini, senior officials of 4B Networks Pvt Ltd, on allegations of defrauding an advertising company of more than Rs 10 crore.
As per information furnished by the EOW, the complainant, Vikas Om Prakash Noval, who serves as the director of Interspace Communication Private Limited based in Rajasthan, lodged the complaint. 4B Networks is identified as a prop-tech firm boasting a platform that empowers brokers and developers. The individuals implicated in the case are Rahul Bhup Yadav and Sanjay Sukhdev Saini from 4B Network Private Limited.
In his complaint to the police, Noval stated that he was employed by 4B Networks between February 2022 and September 2022. During this period, a total of 83 advertising hoardings were erected at various locations in Pune. Subsequently, Noval's company forwarded invoices for payment, some of which were settled by Yadav's company. However, the complainant alleged that the company later failed to meet its obligations.
Due to non-payment for his services rendered to 4B Networks, Noval reported the matter to the EOW. Based on Noval's complaint, the EOW has registered an FIR against director Yadav, management founding member Saini, and their company, 4B Networks. The FIR has been filed at Amboli police station and is now under investigation by the EOW.
An EOW official disclosed that a search was conducted on Saturday at Yadav's residence in Quantum Park society, Bandra. Yadav was subsequently taken to the police headquarters at Crawford Market for interrogation. Police sources noted that certain documents were also seized during the search. However, as of now, no arrests have been made in connection with the case.