Bandra Police have summoned Dr Ruby Tandon, a high-profile dermatologist from Bandra, in connection with a First Information Report (FIR) filed against her for allegedly using a fake degree certificate. Dr Tandon operated from Shifa Wellness Clinic at 198, Linking Road, Bandra west. She is married to actor Amit Tandon, and several celebrities have been her clients.
The Bandra police received a written complaint from an unnamed person stating that Dr Tandon's degree was counterfeit and needed to be investigated. The police forwarded the letter to Dr Deepak Chavan, the medical officer of the BMC at H/West ward in Khar. Dr Chavan and his team then contacted the Maharashtra Medical Council.
BMC finds Dr Tandon was not registered with Maharashtra Medical Council
The police provided this information to the Health Officer of the H West Department of BMC on Monday. During BMC's investigation, it was found that Dr Tandon had no registration with the Maharashtra Medical Council in Mumbai. A joint team of police and BMC, led by Inspector Pradeep Kerkar of Bandra police station, went to the clinic and questioned Dr. Tandon and her husband.
When asked to show her degree certificate, Dr Tandon presented a colour printout of a Medical Council of India registration certificate and a license from the Medical Council. These certificates carried the name of Dr Rupinder Dhaliwal and Rupinder Tandon Jagat Dhaliwal.
When the police inquired about the different names on the certificates, Dr Tandon explained that her surname was Dhaliwal before marriage.
Upon checking the certificates on the website of the issuing institution, BMC officials found no matching entries. Dr Chavan then filed a formal complaint with the Bandra police. The FIR was registered under IPC sections 419, 420, 465, 467, 468, 471, and other sections of the Maharashtra Medical Practitioner Act 1961.