Mumbai: In a tragic turn of events, a 40-year-old man, Mastan Sheikh, who sustained severe injuries in a fire incident, tragically passed away on Wednesday. The fire broke out on Sunday morning in the Shama building located in Dharavi, caused by defective wiring. As a result of the incident, 32 residents were admitted to Sion Hospital and Ayush Hospital due to smoke-related discomfort, with 13 individuals still under observation at the civic-run Sion hospital.
Investigations revealed that the fire was primarily confined to the electric ducting, spanning from the ground floor to the seventh floor of the seven-story building. Prompt medical intervention and treatment were provided to the affected residents, with 13 individuals being discharged on Wednesday morning. However, Mastan Sheikh's internal burn injuries and smoke inhalation proved fatal, leading to his demise, as confirmed by hospital sources.