Mumbai: In a relentless effort to combat ticketless travel, Central Railways conducted an extensive surprise ticket checking operation at Thane station on Monday. "This operation, spanning two shifts, witnessed a total of 3092 ticketless travellers apprehended and fines totalling Rs 8.66 lakh collected in just one day," said an official.
"During the first shift, a team comprising 61 ticket checkers and 15 Railway Protection Force (RPF) personnel were deployed at Thane station. They identified and penalized 1585 cases of ticketless travel, amassing fines amounting to Rs 4.26 lakh," he said adding that in the second shift, another 59 ticket checkers and 15 RPF personnel took to Thane station. Together, they apprehended 1507 cases of ticketless travel, resulting in a collection of fines totaling Rs 4.40 lakh.
Surprise Ticket Checks Will Continue
Central Railways officials have made it clear that these surprise ticket checking operations will continue in the future to ensure that passengers adhere to ticketing regulations and promote responsible travel. The crackdown on ticketless travel remains a top priority for the railway authorities in their ongoing efforts to maintain bonafide passengers comfert and revenue integrity.