Mumbai: The Malabar Hill police have arrested a bank official for stealing jewellery worth ₹58 lakh from the lockers. The accused, Dilipkumar Chavan, served as the custodian officer at Bank of India's Walkeshwar branch. He robbed ornaments from two lockers, leading to two FIRs against him.
Mrinalini Jaisinghani, 27, a Nepean Sea Road resident, reported the theft of 323 gms of gold and diamond ornaments, worth ₹32.5 lakh, from her locker. Similarly, Deepak Nathwani, 66, also complained about the loss of 323 grams of gold jewellery from his bank locker. Upon investigation, the police discovered Chavan's involvement in the crime through CCTV footage.
He exploited his position to create duplicate keys and execute the theft. The police seized 481 grams of gold ornaments from him. The police are currently investigating the possibility of other accomplices involved in the theft alongside Chavan.