Mumbai: A 48-year-old man, who allegedly stole Rs1 crore from his employer and also fled with his car on October 11, was arrested on Tuesday from Akola district. The accused, Santosh Sudam Chavan, was caught within two days of registering the case. Around Rs96 lakh and the stolen car has been recovered from him, said the Oshiwara police. The Free Press Journal had reported about the case on October 16 and the stolen amount was mentioned Rs25 lakh. However, the police typist erred while making the first information report and had incorrectly typed Rs25 lakh instead of Rs1 crore.
Accused remanded to police custody
The accused was working for Dhirendra Amitlal Sheth, who has a construction business, for the last 17 years. Last week, he drove with Chavan to the sub-registrar office in Jogeshwari. The complainant asked the accused to stay back in the car given the hefty amount kept in it.
Sheth was shocked not to find his car and Chavan upon his return from the office.
During the investigation, the police got a tip-off that he was hiding in Akola along with his wife and children. Subsequently, a special team was dispatched, which succeeded in catching the accused. He was brought to Mumbai and presented in a court which remanded him in police custody till today.