The Maharashtra Anti-Corruption Bureau (ACB) has sent information about 12 corruption related cases to the state government seeking permission to freeze assets worth ₹14 crore of the accused persons allegedly involved in corruption cases. Mumbai zone has a maximum (six) number of such cases where the ACB wants assets to be frozen.
According to the ACB, the highest amount of assets involved are related to the officials of the Agriculture, Animal Husbandry, Dairy Development and Fisheries Department (₹3.72 crore), followed by Urban Development Department (₹3.69 crore), Water Resources Department (₹2.82 crore) and Public Works Department (₹2.48 crore), Transport Department (₹47.69 lakh), Health Department (₹44.26 lakh) and Police/Prisons/Home Guard department (₹38.15 lakh).
Mumbai zone has the highest (six), followed by Pune and Nanded zones with two cases each and Nashik and Aurangabad zones with one case each.
The highest amount of property involved in one of these cases allegedly belongs to Aarey chief executive officer (CEO) Nathu Rathod (₹3.60 crore). In August 2021, the ACB had registered a disproportionate assets case against Rathod. An inquiry by the ACB had revealed that Rathod had amassed property worth crores which is 555.09% more than his known source of income.