Mumbai: A 63-year-old real estate agent, Jitendra Kanobar from Kandivali West, is facing allegations of molestation, leading to the filing of a case at the Andheri Railway Police station on November 24. The charges are framed under section 354b (a) (sexual harassment) of the Indian Penal Code, and the police have issued a notice to the accused.
According to law enforcement, on November 23 at 8:30 p.m., a 39-year-old businesswoman from Mira Road was walking from the Metro to Andheri railway station toward platform no. 3 when she encountered the accused. He approached uncomfortably close, inquired about the platform, and then proceeded to ask her for tea. Despite her attempts to ignore him, she observed his harassment of other women. She, along with a few bystanders, apprehended him and brought him to the Andheri Railway police station.
The police have formally filed a case against him, citing section 148, and issued a notice in connection with the incident.