A Vile Parle-based Forex agent was cheated of Rs21.25 lakh by a man who posed as a film director working with Akshay Kumar. The incident happened on Tuesday at the Grant Hyatt Hotel in Santacuz, where the victim Paresh Parmar was called to exchange currencies.
Details of scam
Parmar, the owner of ‘Paresh Parmar Private Limited’ forex business in Vile Parle, was ensnared in a scam orchestrated by the fake director Krishnan, to whom Parmar was introduced through friends Vikram Singh and Gaurav Goswami, police said.
Goswami claimed an urgent need for USD 25,000 from Parmar. Krishnan, posing as a high-profile figure, directed Parmar to Santacruz’s Grant Hyatt Hotel for the exchange, citing a film shoot with Akshay Kumar. After reaching the hotel along with his wife, Parmar handed over 25,000 USD to Krishnan.
The fake director and his men exited the room saying they would be back soon, but they never returned Paresh told the police. They later approached the Vakhola police and registered an FIR. “Four people were involved and we have obtained some clues,” said a senior police official.