Mumbai: A recent ticket fare for Howrah Express train from Bengaluru to Kolkata has stirred a huge controversy in the social media. A premium tatkal ticket from Bengaluru to Kolkata on August 9 was priced at a staggering Rs 10,100. The post about this exorbitant fare, shared by a Reddit user, has sparked widespread outrage with many decrying the railway authorities.
The Reddit post highlighted that standard tickets on this route usually cost around Rs 2,900 and raised questions about the necessity of such a high price for a 2 A seat on a superfast train. "Honestly, I don’t understand who’d be willing to pay 10k+ for a 2A ticket in an ordinary superfast train between two well-connected metro cities when a regular 2A ticket is priced at 2.9k," the user remarked. The high price is noteworthy since an Air India Express flight on the same route cost only Rs 5,192 and on Indigo it was Rs 5,610.
The debate centers around the Indian Railways' implementation of the premium tatkal category, which uses dynamic pricing. Unlike traditional tatkal tickets, which have fixed rates, premium tatkal fares fluctuate based on demand, leading to dramatic increases in ticket prices.
Critics of the dynamic pricing model have voiced their ire. One Reddit commenter criticized the system, and posted, “That’s premium tatkal for you. I feel it is useless. Either put these seats under tatkal or general quota. Such high tatkal charges and dynamic charges don’t make sense.” Another suggested that paying a fine for travelling without a ticket might be cheaper than the premium fare.
Some users questioned the rationale behind opting for such expensive train tickets when cheaper flight options are available. However, others pointed out that for those who cannot fly due to medical conditions, the high cost of rail travel becomes a significant burden. “There are folks who cannot fly due to medical reasons,” noted one commenter, emphasizing the impact on travellers with specific needs.
Vinay Lal Dubey from Bhiwandi also expressed his frustration, stating, “Railways are literally looting passengers in the name of dynamic pricing.” Dubey recounted being forced to pay Rs 4,100 for a sleeper class ticket from Varanasi to LTT in June, despite the regular fare being around Rs 700.
Similarly, Pradeep Kumar, a frequent commuter from Kalyan, criticized the lack of transparency in the dynamic pricing system. “The main problem with this system is that passengers only learn the ticket price after completing the transaction, which is the biggest loophole in the system,” he said.
Attempts by FPJ to get a response from South West Railway or the Railway Board were in vain. The growing dissatisfaction with the dynamic pricing system underscores the need for a review of policies affecting travellers.