Mumbai: Dharavi police on Tuesday saved a 14-year-old girl from being sold in a red-light area in West Bengal within 12 hours of her being reported missing. The police arrested a 30-year-old man who lured the minor girl and charged him with rape and human trafficking.
As soon as the police received the complaint about the girl’s disappearance, they started inspecting CCTV footage from the area, an official said. Meanwhile, the girl called one of her relatives from another person’s phone and said that she was in danger. That relative informed the girl’s family and the family informed the police.
When the police called that number, the person at the other end said he was in a train and was about to reach Bhusawal. From that person the police came to know about the girl’s train bogie and seat number.
Senior Inspector Raja Bidkar gave this information to Aurangabad Railway Police. As soon as the information about this was received, the police rescued the minor girl from Raver station and took her to Bhusawal.
Bidkar said the girl was currently in a children’s home in Jalgaon and a team of Dharavi police had left to bring her back.
The accused has been identified as Kunal Rajkishore Pandey.