In a shocking incident in Mumbai’s Saki Naka, a minor girl was raped by another minor. According to Saki Naka police, a three-year-old girl was raped by a minor studying in standard ninth. The accused has been arrested by the police and case has been registered under Protection of Children from Sexual Offences (POSCO).
The accused will be presented in the court today (August 14, Wednesday), the Saki Naka police informed. The police added that the case was registered on the complaint of the girl’s father.
In another POSCO case in Mumbai, a 65-year-old man was arrested by Charkop Police for sexually harassing an eight-year-old boy. The child's parents approached the police station on Monday following which a case was registered.
Charkop Police said the accused was acquainted with the victim's family and the victim would go to his house to play. He had been sexually harassed on one occasion in the past and on Monday. Police registered an offence under Protection of Children from Sexual Offences Act and arrested the accused.