In a deeply disturbing incident, an 18-year-old girl was tragically raped and murdered at the Savitribai Phule Women's Hostel, a state government-run facility located near the Police Gymkhana on Marine Drive. The alleged perpetrator, Prakash Kanojia, a 33-year-old security guard, later took his own life on the railway tracks between Marine Lines station and Churchgate. Kanojia, who was married and resided in Colaba, was the prime suspect in this horrifying crime.
Victim was a student, doing part-time job
The incident came to light on Tuesday at 4:00 p.m. The victim, originally from Akola, was a student at a local college and also held a part-time job. She resided on the fourth floor of the hostel. The Marine Drive police promptly registered a case of rape and murder, launching an extensive manhunt for Kanojia. However, authorities received information about a body matching his description at GT Hospital near the Police Commissioner's office. The man was found dead on a railway track. Kanojia's father was summoned from Colaba to identify the deceased, confirming that it was indeed his son.
Prakash Kanojia, 33-year-old security guard of the hostel and the accused in the case |
According to the police, suspicions were raised when hostel staff discovered that the victim's room was locked from the outside, and she had not signed the register upon leaving. Concerned about her well-being, they peered through the window and were horrified to find the girl lying lifeless on the floor. The staff immediately alerted the police, who discovered signs of forced entry. The victim's body exhibited evidence of strangulation on her neck, along with indications of sexual assault. A post-mortem examination has been scheduled.
CCTV confirms accused exiting the hostel early morning
Forensic experts arrived at the scene and commenced their investigation. Upon reviewing CCTV footage, the police observed Kanojia exiting the hostel at 5:00 a.m. He had left the victim's mobile phone behind before departing.
The Savitribai Phule Women's Hostel, despite offering various amenities, had evidently failed to maintain adequate security measures. It remains unclear whether Kanojia was directly employed by the hostel authorities or hired through a security agency. Additionally, it is uncertain if the necessary background verification was conducted, particularly if he was employed through an agency.