Mumbai: On Monday, Central Railways faced major disruptions to its suburban services between Dombivli and Thakurli due to a broken overhead wire. The incident, which occurred around 2:35 pm, led to the suspension of fast suburban trains between Dombivli and Kalyan for more than two hours and forty minutes.
Initially, the overhead wire failure resulted in the suspension of suburban services on all four lines. However, after approximately one hour, services on the up slow line were gradually resumed, but restoration of services on all four lines was completed at around 5:10 pm.
"The issue arose when the overhead wire on the down fast line snapped, prompting an immediate special block to prevent further complications. As a result, all four suburban train lines were halted. Restoration efforts began imidiatly, with traffic resuming on the up slow line around 3:35 pm, one hour after the incident was reported. Despite these efforts, it took over two hours and forty minutes to fully restore services across all four lines" said an official .
According to a spokesperson from Central Railways, suburban services were fully restored by approximately 5:10 pm. However, passengers reported significant delays throughout the evening due to the cascading effects of the disruption.
Trains were running behind schedule, with notable delays observed in several services. The 6:33 pm and 6:39 pm CSMT-Titwala and CSMT-Badlapur fast trains were delayed by up to 20 minutes. Rajesh Dhumal, a commuter from Dombivli, noted that his 5:37 pm CSMT-Dombivli fast train was running about 45 minutes late. Similarly, the 5:33 pm CSMT-Khopoli fast train was also delayed by nearly 45 minutes.
ajesh Dhumal of Dombivli said, he boarded a CSMT Ambernath fast train at around 6 . 15 pm from CSMT, and reached Dombivli at around 7.30 pm. Similar Ramesh Sutar of Kalyan said, he train was running behind the shedule nearly 45 minutes. 20 trains cancelled till now and trains r still running behind the schedule up to 15 minutes.