Mumbai: A special court that last Friday denied permission to Bhima Koregaon case accused and Telugu poet Varavara Rao to go to Hyderabad for three months for his eye procedure, has said in a detailed order that permitting him will delay the framing of charges in the case. It is only after the step that the trial can begin.
As per an apex court order of August 18 this year, the special court is required to decide the discharge applications of accused and consider if charges need to be framed against them. If the court finds sufficient evidence against the accused, it frames charges, which paves the way for the trial to begin.
The court said in view of this order it is required to frame charges against the accused and decide pending discharge applications within three months. "If the applicant is permitted to go and stay at Hyderabad for three months, the framing of charges would get prolonged," it stated. It added that in such a situation it would not be appropriate to permit him.
Arguing for Rao, advocate Neeraj Yadav had told the court that the surgery expenses in Mumbai are expensive, while in Telangana being a pensioner, he can get the procedure done free of cost.
The court said regarding this, that it is not that Rao's will not get good treatment in Mumbai.
Appearing for the National Investigation Agency, special public prosecutor Prakash Shetty had sought that the plea be rejected. He had pointed out that as per the Telangana government's notification, Rao can get a reimbursement for his surgery expenses and hence there is no need to go to Hyderabad.