The residents of Malabar Hill have voiced objections against the 'Aapla Dawakhana' clinic established by the BMC near Shantivan Gardens. They claimed that the facility obstructs roads, reducing pedestrian space. Locals argue that the clinic’s placement is causing significant inconvenience to pedestrians and disrupting public bus services.
On Monday, a group of residents met with Mumbai suburban guardian minister and local MLA, Mangal Prabhat Lodha, to express their concerns. A meeting with civic officials to address the issues is scheduled for Wednesday.
According to sources, Lodha had reservations regarding the current location of the clinic, but the civic officials proceeded with the project anyway. They have now been instructed to identify alternative sites for the clinic.
Gita Bhatia, a resident of Malabar Hill, said, “We are not opposed to the opening of the clinic, but placing the structure in the middle of the road is problematic. Therefore, we have proposed two-three alternative sites for the facility.”
The BMC has established several healthcare centers – popularly known as 'Aapla Dawakhana' – across the city with the goal of providing free medical treatment to citizens.