A young man whose body was found on Friday morning in a rainwater-filled quarry in Goregaon East has been identified as Sahil Ansari. The 18-year-old boy went inside the quarry with his friends even though he didn’t know how to swim.
Unable to save him when he was drowning, the friends dialled the police number. On arriving at the spot, the police and the fire brigade brought him out and rushed him to Shatabdi Hospital, where he was pronounced dead. The Dahisar police filed an accidental death report on Friday.
Sahil was a resident of Adarsh Nagar in Goregaon East. Around 10am on Friday, he went with his friends to a quarry in Vaishali Nagar, Dahisar East. He started struggling at 12.25pm and the friends dialled 100 for assistance. He could only be taken out at around 4.45pm. The police have recorded the statement of his father, who denied any foul play and did not file a complaint against anyone.