Mumbai: Directorate of Revenue Intelligence (DRI) has busted 13.7 kg gold worth over Rs 8.5 crore and arrested five individuals in separate operation spanning over October 30 and 31 in Mumbai and Varanasi. The smugglers were attempting to smuggle the gold via the land/rail route. The same syndicate was busted in a pan-India operation by the DRI on October 12 and 13 and 31.7 kg gold was seized from them.
DRI Mumbai team intercepted two individuals carrying smuggled gold by bus near Pune. Five kg of smuggled gold was recovered from their possession late on October 30. This operation revealed information regarding a handler based out of a village in Sangli district. Acting swiftly, a search was conducted by DRI officers at his home early in the morning of October 31 which led to the information that 2 more carriers of the same syndicate are smuggling gold from Varanasi to Nagpur.
Subsequently, the information was shared with DRI Varanasi team which swiftly initiated action and intercepted the two carriers leading to the further seizure of 8.7 kg of smuggled gold.
Concerted actions of DRI Mumbai, Goa Regional Unit and Varanasi teams led to the recovery of a total of 13.7 Kg smuggled gold valued at Rs. 8.5 Crores. A total of 5 persons have been arrested, out of which three people were arrested in Mumbai and two in Varanasi.