Maratha activist Manoj Jarange Patil has appealed to his supporters to hold "rasta roko" (road blockade) agitation across the state on March 3. He said on Thursday that the agitation will be held from 11.30 am to 12 noon. He said the entire state's road transport will be paralysed during this period. This appears to be the start of a massive agitation which he is planning in consultation with his close aides at Jalna.
Jarange dissatisfied with the bill
He is totally dissatisfied with the bill passed unanimously by the legislature on Tuesday providing for ten per cent reservation of government jobs and educational seats to Marathas. His contention is that this bill will not stand legal scrutiny since it breaches the 50 % camp imposed by the Supreme Court.
He is adamant about the Maratha quota being carved out of the 27% reservation being given to OBCs. He accused the Shinde government of misleading the Marathas.
Meanwhile, senior cabinet minister Chhagan Bhujbal appears to have strengthened his position. He had made it clear to CM Shinde that he will not tolerate if Marathas are given reservation out of the OBC quota. He had even tendered his resignation, but it was not accepted. The BJP has a vast base among OBCs and it too would not want to alienate these castes.