There has been a 16% rise in blood collected across Maharashtra in the last five years. As per data provided by the State Blood Transfusion Council (SBTC), 16.56 lakh units of blood were collected in 2018, which rose to 19.28 lakh units in 2022. According to the data, there has been no change in voluntary donors in the last five years. Of the total blood collected in a year, 99% of people are voluntarily donating blood or blood components.
Senior Officials Say Surge After Pandemic
Senior officials said that post-pandemic there has been a surge and people are coming forward to donate blood.
“We always direct blood banks to organise blood donations drive to overcome the shortage and should also keep 10 to 15% extra blood considering demand of last year,” one official said.
World Blood Donation Day
World Blood Donor Day is celebrated on June 14, the birthday of Karl Landsteiner, who was born on this day in 1868. Landsteiner was awarded the Nobel Prize for the discovery of the ABO blood group system. Accordingly, people are classified into ‘A’, ‘B’, ‘AB’ and ‘O’ blood groups.
SBTC To Get Money To Organise Blood Donation Camp
Meanwhile, SBTC will give Rs 25,000 each to 27 blood banks across Maharashtra for organising the blood donation camp to mark the World Blood Donation day. This will help in building a database of voluntary blood donors so that they can be called by blood banks in case of shortage of blood.
“The central government and Maharashtra state government have issued various guidelines to celebrate Blood Donor Day, when emphasis should be placed on the youth while registering blood donors. Moreover, they can be influenced to donate blood regularly every three months and blood donors who have donated more than 25 times and the organisers of the blood donation camp should also be felicitated,” read a letter issued by SBTC on June 8.
Head of MSAI Says Blood Donation is Lifeline
Dr Sandeep Sewlikar, Head – Medical & Scientific Affairs for India and Neighbouring countries (Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Nepal and Bhutan) at Roche Diagnostics India, said blood donation serves as a lifeline for countless individuals facing life-threatening conditions and emergencies. It is an act of selflessness and compassion that has the power to save lives. However, ensuring the safety of donated blood is equally crucial.