Mumbai: Deputy Chief Minister and Pune District Guardian Minister Ajit Pawar has instructed that all necessary facilities be provided for women attending the state-level mega event at the Shiv Chhatrapati Sports Complex, where funds for the 'Majhi Ladki Bahin' scheme will be symbolically transferred to beneficiaries' bank accounts. He confirmed that the disbursement process has begun and assured that funds will be deposited into the remaining women's accounts within the next two to three days.
Ajit Pawar reviewed the preparations for the state-level event scheduled for August 17, where the benefits under the scheme will be formally handed over. The meeting, held at the Legislature Building, was attended by various officials including Divisional Commissioner Dr. Chandrakant Pulukundwar, Pune Police Commissioner Amitesh Kumar, Pimpri-Chinchwad Police Commissioner Vinaykumar Chaube, Kolhapur Range IG Sunil Fulari, Pune Municipal Corporation Commissioner Rajendra Bhosale, District Collector Dr. Suhas Dive, and several others.
Deputy Chief Minister Pawar emphasized the significance of the scheme and directed that all arrangements be made to accommodate the women traveling from distant areas. He called for efficient management of transportation, food, water, health checks, and essential amenities such as parking, seating, mobile toilets, and cleanliness at the event venue to ensure a smooth experience for the attendees.
Dr. Chandrakant Pulukundwar and Dr. Suhas Dive confirmed that the administration is fully prepared to ensure the successful execution of the state-level event for distributing benefits under the 'Chief Minister's Beloved Sister' scheme.