While the Telangana Chief Minister K Chandrasekhar Rao’s Bharat Rashtra Samithi (BRS) had been poaching leaders from various political parties in Maharashtra, the party made a big move on Friday by directly making an offer to BJP’s sulking leader from Marathwada, Pankaja Munde. She will be Chief Minister of Maharashtra if she joins us, state convenor of BRS Balasaheb Sanap has said.
KCR to visit Pandharpur
KCR is expected to visit Pandharpur on the occasion of Ashadhi Ekadashi. He has already held huge rallies at Nanded, Chhatrapati Sambhaji Nagar and Nagpur, wherein his slogan “Ab Ki Baar Kisan Sarkar '' seemed to have caught the imagination of the people, especially the farming community. During KCR's Pandharpur visit, NCP leader Bhagirath Bhalke, who had met KCR in Hyderabad recently, is likely to be inducted into the BRS.
“Our party is growing. Every day we are inducting new people into our party. Even those who had lost the assembly election by a thin margin are approaching us. If Pankaja decides to join us we shall certainly welcome her,” Sanap said.
Pankaja Munde capable of leading state: BRS
While replying to more queries on the topic, Sanap said, “If she joins our party the whole of Maharashtra will welcome her. Even our party leader KCR would support her. He doesn’t get into caste politics and is always ready to give power to capable leaders. Pankaja Mude is certainly capable of leading the state and justice will be done to her abilities.”
Incidentally, the BRS also celebrated its first electoral success on Friday when party’s candidate Sushama Vishnu Mule from the Sawargaon village of Gangakhed taluka in Chhatrapati Sambhaji Nagar district was elected Sarpach of the village unopposed.
Meanwhile, several leaders from different parties of Latur district joined BRS on Friday. They included district president of Janata Party Jayasingh Yadav, Vanraj Rathod and Arjun Rathod and Bhagawanth Kulkarni from Congress.
Telangana a model state in farmers welfare: Harish Rao
Speaking on the occasion, Telangana finance minister Harish Rao said the schemes such as water for irrigation without any cess, 24×7 free power supply to agricultural pumpsets, investment support given under Rythu Bandhu, life insurance cover provided under Rythu Bima and others being implemented by the Telangana Government for farmers had made Telangana a model State in farmers welfare in the country.
Telangana model of farmers welfare could be implemented in Maharashtra if the BRS is elected here in future, he said asking the leaders from Maharashtra to join hands with BRS president and o for bringing ‘kisan sarkar’ (farmers’ government) in the country.