The Special Investigating Team (SIT) of the Mumbai Cyber Cell, investigating the Mahadev online betting case, has issued summons to actor Sahil Khan, his brother Sam Khan and Hitesh Khusalani, instructing them to appear before them. On Wednesday, the Sessions Court had rejected Khan's anticipatory bail plea.
A senior Mumbai Police official stated that Sahil Khan and three others were summoned to appear before the SIT on Friday. The SIT, investigating the Mahadev betting app, aims to hear Khan's side regarding the allegations against him. In this case, an FIR has been registered against a total of 32 people, including Sahil Khan and his brother Sam Khan. Actor Sahil Khan, known for films like 'Style' and 'Excuse Me,' has transitioned into a fitness expert away from films.
An SIT official mentioned that the investigation is ongoing against Khan and 31 other individuals. The probe involves examining their bank accounts, mobile phones, laptops, and all technical equipment.
Those linked to this case have established 67 different betting sites, facilitating illegal betting activities. The accused utilized over 2000 SIM cards for money transactions, involving withdrawals and deposits. Fake documents were used to procure these SIM cards.
An FIR was initially filed with the Matunga Police in Mumbai in the Rs 15,000 crore Mahadev betting app case, later transferred to the Mumbai Crime Branch for further investigation.