Mumbai: Actor Aftab Shivadasani fell victim to a Rs 1.50 lakh online fraud and filed a case against two unidentified individuals at Bandra police station on October 9. A day earlier, on October 8, the actor received a message regarding his Axis Bank account suspension due to missing PAN card details. A link was attached to the message, which the actor clicked on to learn more. Soon after clicking the link, he received a call from an unknown number claiming to be an official of the bank. The person guided Aftab to enter sensitive information related to his account, after which Rs 1,49,999 was debited from his account.
Upon realising that something was amiss, Aftab contacted the bank manager on Monday. The manager advised him to file a complaint regarding the debited money. Consequently, Aftab approached the Bandra police station. The actor resides in Vrundavan Building, Mount Mary Road, Bandra West.
The case was registered under sections 419 and 420 of the IPC Act, along with sections 66(c) and 66(d) of the Information Technology Act, at Bandra police station on October 9.