With a message of ‘clean environment, green environment’, IIT-Bombay’s Abhyuday team conducted a clean-up drive on Sunday at Powai Lake. Various activities have been planned during the entire Environment Week that starts on June 5 across the state.
Clean Up Drive at Powai lake
FPJ News Service
FPJ News Service
FPJ News Service
About 400 volunteers from IIT Bombay’s Abhyuday team cleaned the 2 km long lake perimeter cleaning three tonnes of garbage. “With the goal of cleaning the lake's shoreline to create a cleaner, greener and healthier environment. It is our responsibility to look after one of the most beautiful attractions of IIT Bombay,” team Abhyuday said. The efforts were backed by local residents and IIT faculties and by participating in the clean-up drive.
FPJ News Service
FPJ News Service