Mumbai: Thane Police's SIT arrested the main accused Ashwajit Gaikwad, son of a senior bureaucrat and his two associates Romil Patil and Sagar Shedge in the run-over case in which the accused tried to mow down his girlfriend. The vehicle used in the crime was also seized, said Thane Police.
IPC sections on accused
Earlier, Thane Police had registered a case against accused Ashwajit Gaikwad and two others under Indian Penal Code (IPC) sections 323 (voluntarily causing hurt), 279 (rash driving), 504 (intentional insult with intent to provoke breach of the peace) and others at the Kasarvadavali police station.
Victim's statement
Victim Priya Singh, in her statement to news agency ANI, had said that the accused had claimed that he was separated from him wife and that they were "very much in love." However, she claimed that she went to meet her boyfriend who is son of a senior bureaucrat and found him with his wife. When she tried to ask him questions over the matter, the accused got aggressive and later tried to run-over her using his SUV, said the victim. She said that she was in a four-and-a-half-year relationship with the man who tried to mow her down.
Victim Priya Singh's statement to police also mentions and alleges that the "senior bureaucrat tried to threaten her to withdraw the complaint and offered to take care of her medical treatment" for injuries caused by his son Ashvajit Gaikwad running his SUV on her.