Mumbai: The 14-year-old boy, who was found hanging in an express train at the Bandra terminus on Sunday, took the extreme step due to loneliness, said the Bandra railway police after establishing his identity and contacting his father. The deceased was identified as Mohammad Aamir, who hailed from Bihar and his family had moved to Delhi in search of livelihood.
During the probe, the police found that the teen had contacted his father on November 1 from the mobile phone of a garbage collector. With the help of technical analysis, the cops traced his father, Mohammad Nasim, 45, who works as a painter. He was then asked to come to the Bandra railway police station where he confirmed his son's identity.
Senior Inspector Ravindra Shivramwar said, “The mother of the deceased passed away when he was very young. He was the youngest among four siblings, including a sister and three brothers. According to his father, he didn't go to school and would often leave home for extended periods of 7-10 days. In his profound loneliness, he ended his life.” Following the post-mortem, the body was handed over to Nasim. As he didn't suspect any foul play behind Aamir's death, no police complaint has been filed in the matter.
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