A woman registered a case against an individual for alleged molestation at Thane Railway Police. The accused was identified as Mohammad Hanif Dawood Rarani (45) from Mumbra. In an incident reported to Thane Railway police, a 34-year-old woman, employee at an Insurance company in Thane and residing in Kalyan.
The incident
On September 21, at around 8.30 a.m., the woman boarded a train at Kalyan heading towards Thane. Upon alighting at Thane station on platform no. 4, she was inappropriately touched from behind by the accused. Initially, she ignored the incident, but as she was climbing the stairs, he again touched her inappropriately.
She promptly confronted him and sought assistance from a patrolling police constable on the platform. With the help of the police constable, she brought the accused to the Thane Railway police station and filed a case against him under sections 354 (assault to woman with intent to outrage her modesty) , 354 (a) (sexual harassment), (I) (I) (physical contact and advance that involve explicit sexual gestures).
The accused, works at an onion and potato shop in Vashi. The police produced him in the Kalyan Railway court, which remanded him to Judicial custody.