Jawan actor Nayanthara and her director husband Vignesh Shivan, and Dr Gomathi recently launched Femi9, a venture addressing hygiene and period protection for women.
Nayanthara through her personal experiences and with the help of medical professionals, launched Femi9. As a Co-Founder of Femi9, she said, “Despite the progress made in social media and the dissemination of information, menstruation remains a widely stigmatized topic. Femi9 is not just a brand, but a representation of the strength, resilience, and unity of women, the unveiling of a sisterhood, and a brand that truly cares for women. Taking this step into the personal hygiene space, I am looking forward to a continued celebration of togetherness, sisterhood, and a common hope for a healthier, happier future for all women.”
“Entrepreneurship isn't just about innovation but also about addressing real-life challenges with purposeful solutions. In this context, it is imperative to create brands that resonate with the needs of our time. Brands that confront vital issues, such as the often-overlooked period challenges faced by women, not only signify progress but also cultivate a more inclusive society. This is what we aim to do through Femi9," said Vignesh Shivan, Co-Founder of Femi9.
Femi9’s products include ultra-thin daily wear pads for womenmade by women and claim to offer complete period protection.
Nayanthara and Vignesh have also founded 9Skin, along with entrepreneur Daisy Morgan. 9Skin aims to bring transformation in skincare. The duo has previously invested in the beverages chain 'Chai Waale.'