Mumbai: The Bombay High Court directed the state to admit HDIL promoter Rakesh Wadhawan, an accused in a money laundering case related to the Punjab and Maharashtra Co-operative (PMC) Bank Ltd fraud case, to the state-run JJ Hospital within two to three days.
Justice Bharati Dagre also stated that he will continue to be admitted there until tests for various treatments are carried out and medical reports are conveyed to the court.
Application filed by Wadhawan
"Carrying out distinct tests would pose several problems if the patient is moved in and out of the hospital. Besides, since the patient requires better nursing care, his admission is the only solution," Justice Dangre said on September 27.
The High Court was hearing an application filed by Wadhawan in his bail plea.
The court reviewed a September 26 report from the Chief Medical Officer (CMO) of Arthur Road Jail where Wadhawan is lodged, referring to his past medical history related to various ailments.
The report mentioned that the applicant was treated at KEM Hospital and Kokilaben Dhirubhai Ambani private hospital at Andheri under the guidance of doctors at JJ Hospital. The report stated that Wadhawan was last referred to JJ Hospital to obtain accurate current medical status as he suffers from multiple chronic illnesses collectively called metabolic syndrome, which require the opinion of multiple specialists, including cardiologists, nephrologists, neurologists, orthopedic experts, dentists, among others. However, his complete evaluation is pending as specialists have different units and visiting days at JJ Hospital.
Regarding his present health status, Wadhawan complained of generalized weakness, vertigo, malaise, and low backache.
On February 2, the High Court allowed Wadhawan's temporary release to undergo bypass surgery at a private hospital under Dr. Prashant Nair, a cardiologist, provided the applicant bore the expenses of his six-week stay at the hospital.
Next hearing on October 9
The court noted that after being discharged from a private hospital, the 71-year-old Wadhawan is not completely relieved of health hazards.
The CMO rightly recorded that the applicant suffers from metabolic syndrome and requires examination by multiple super-specialists. A complete medical evaluation was necessary for his present health condition, the bench stated.
The court has permitted his family members to visit him at the hospital during the time slots allotted by the hospital.
The High Court has scheduled the plea for a hearing on October 9.