Dhar (Madhya Pradesh): A special investigation team (SIT) of Kukshi police and Dhar cyber cell, led by SP Manoj Kumar Singh, on Monday, arrested two persons who sheltered absconding accused Lakhan Singh at their home at Shahpura village of Sendhwa tehsil in Barwani district.
Lakhan Singh, carrying a cash reward of Rs 10,000, is the younger brother of interstate gang leader Ishwar Singh.
Acting on the tip-off, the police and cyber team took swift action and raided the house of Segender Singh Barnala and Amar Singh Barnala in search of Lakhan Singh.
Though the accused Lakhan managed to escape upon seeing the police, this operation led to the arrest of the two persons sheltering him. They have been charged under sections 212 and 216 of the Indian Penal Code for obstructing the apprehension of an accused person.
Meanwhile, the Dhar police have issued Rs 10,000 rewards for other absconding gang members associated with Ishwar Singh Barnala. Several police teams are actively searching potential locations to apprehend these individuals. Legal actions would also be taken against those who provide shelter to the absconding accused, in line with the law.