Indore (Madhya Pradesh): Around 55 per cent of the total registered candidates took the Assistant Professor Exam conducted for eight out of 34 advertised subjects on Sunday. The low turnout was a big surprise as the Assistant Professor Exam was held after a gap of six years. The last exam was held in 2018.
After a lull of five years, the vacancies in the Department of Higher Education were advertised and the exam was conducted after passing off of two years for the advertisement. “Nearly 55 per cent candidates participated in the exam held on Sunday,” said Ravindra Panchbhai, an OSD at MPPSC. MPPSC conducted the exam on Sunday amid strict security measures to check malpractice.
The district administration flying squads paid surprise visits to exam centres in all four districts viz Indore, Bhopal, Gwalior and Jabalpur. A total of 25,000 candidates were expected to appear for the exam across all locations but turnout remained very low.
In total, there are 1,669 assistant professor vacancies in 34 subjects. The exam for 826 posts in eight subjects was already conducted in June. The exam for 734 assistant professor positions was held on Sunday for eight subjects. For the remaining posts, exam posts will be conducted on November 17.