Agar (Madhya Pradesh): Newly-weds bride and groom along with relatives met with an accident just hours after the wedding on Thursday at Guradi Bangla in Susner tehsil. The couple got serious injuries whereas the groom’s sister passed away in the accident.
25-year-old bride, Monica Patidar of Agar Malwa and 27-year-old groom, Kapil Patidar of Rajasthan along with relatives were heading towards Kuladevata Temple after performing wedding rituals at Patidar mass-marriage ceremony in Diwal Kheda village, Rajasthan.
On the way, their car crashed into a JCB near Guradi Bangla. This resulted in serious injuries to the bride and groom along with the groom’s 26-year-old sister Alpana Patidar of Pipliya Kulmi. Alpana was referred to Jhalawar after first aid in Soyat Hospital. However, she died during treatment in Jhalawar.
The front part of the car was completely smashed in the crash. The whole incident turned the marriage celebration into tragedy.