Ratlam (Madhya Pradesh): Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) has commenced its activities for the ensuing Lok Sabha elections. A meeting was organised by the district BJP here at the Rudra Palace on Saturday which was attended by Cabinet Minister Chetanya Kashyap, MP Sudhir Gupta, and district BJP in-charge Pradeep Pandey. Presiding over the meeting district BJP president Rajendra Singh Lunera said that meetings of all the 24 mandals of the BJP in the district will be organised shortly to commence preparations in view of the ensuing parliament elections.
He said that Ratlam district’s area is part of three parliamentary seats Viz Ratlam, Mandsaur, and Ujjain and BJP workers have to remain fully active. Cabinet Minister Chaitanya Kashyap while addressing the meeting said that booth management is very important to get the best results. He highlighted 15 points for the preparations for the elections as guided by Union Home Minister Amit Shah. MP Sudhir Gupta highlighted the achievements of the Union government. District BJP in-charge Pradeep Pandey highlighted the actions to be taken during the next three months in view of parliament elections.
Mayor Prahalad Patel highlighted the objectives of Viksit Bharat Sankalp Yatra and holding of programmes in Ratlam.
Ratlam Rural MLA Mathuralal Damar and BJP office-bearers were present. BJP district general secretary Pradeep Upadhyay conducted the meeting and Sangeeta Charel gave a vote of thanks.