Indore (Madhya Pradesh): There are more than Rs 150 crore pendency in revenue collection from over 450 consumers for which West Discom's top officials are deeply concerned. West Discom Managing Director Amit Tomar took a review meeting on Thursday of 15 districts officials of the company in which he expressed concern that recovery of more than Rs 150 crore is pending on more than 450 high-pressure category consumers and directed superintending officers to give top priority to the work of revenue collection.
He said that the monsoon is ongoing in districts of company area. If there is a situation of disruption in power supply due to seasonal changes, then the concerned officer should get the repair work done in the shortest possible time.
If any major reason arises for supply disruption, then consumers of the concerned feeder and colony area should also be told about the estimated time required for repair work, so that they remain satisfied with work and efforts of Discom employees.
He said that consumers of feeders on which necessary work is done, should be informed through SMS or WhatsApp groups. If there is new work of the company like transformer, line, pole, installation of new meters, then information should be shared in consumer groups.
Tomar said that achieving monthly revenue target is also necessary along with quality supply. He said that for the monthly target, daily revenue target should be set and work needs to be done accordingly every day. It will be easier to achieve the monthly target and avoid stress and pressure in last days of the month.