Dhar (Madhya Pradesh): Dhamnod police in Dhar district arrested two minor vehicle-lifters and recovered 11 motorcycles. Seven motorcycles were stolen from Dhamnod village, while four from different locations in the district, said Dhamnod police station in-charge Sameer Patidar.
The stolen motorcycles were found hidden in a remote area near their residence, indicating their involvement in vehicle thefts. Total value of seized motorcycles stands around Rs 5.88 lakh.
Patidar said that following directives of senior officials, his team kept constant surveillance to identify vehicle lifters. Not only suspects, but those driving vehicles without number plates and documents were checked.
During vehicle checking, a person was seen coming to Dahiwar toll tax on a motorcycle without registration number. Looking at police team, he attempt to escape, but was caught near Dahiwar bridge. He later told the police that the bike was stolen.
During further questioning, minor said that he was a resident of Petlawad. He was immediately taken into the custody.
During subsequent interrogation, he allegedly told the cops that he had stolen three motorcycles from difference places in a single night in Guljhara village with the help of his aides, including a minor from Lauhari village.
The accused allegedly confessed to stealing other bikes from Digar police circle.