Mhow (Madhya Pradesh): Chief Minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan will participate in various programmes organised on Lord Parshuram's Tapobhoomi on the occasion of Parshuram Jayanti at Janapav, located on Mhow-Manpur Road on Saturday. The Chief Minister will reach Janapav by helicopter at 11.30 am. At Rajpura Kuti, he will be felicitated by Ladli Behna, a villager of the tehsil. After the programme, Chouhan will leave for Bhopal by helicopter at 1.10 pm.
Officers, employees do yoga
A yoga camp is being organised in the industrial area regarding Clean Pithampur, Healthy Pithampur. Bhagirath Safai Mitra and officials of the cleanliness campaign of Pithampur Municipality took part in the yoga camp on Friday morning, CSP Tarunendra Singh Baghel, officials and employees of the municipality also chipped in. The benefits of yoga were explained in detail.
Along with this, all the officers and employees did yogic exercises. In the programme, chief municipal officer Dr Madhu Saxena said that by doing yoga, we remain mentally and physically fit and we get energy to work throughout the day. Every person should take out time to do yoga. Municipal health officer BS Mahte, sanitation Inspector Rupesh Surya, Prem Kumar Chauhan and others were present.
Cleanliness campaign
Pithampur municipality CMO Dr Madhu Saxena inspected the cleanliness campaign on Friday and gave necessary instructions to the health department of the municipality. Keeping the 2023 survey in mind, action was taken against shopkeepers who spread filth.
Instructions were given to remove all shops from the road in the next 3 days. Municipal health officer (MHO) BS Mahte along with the staff was present. Pithampur sub-divisional officer (SDO) Roshni Patidar said that a joint campaign will be launched by Dhar district administration and the municipality regarding cleanliness.