Meghnagar (Madhya Pradesh): Meghnagar police of Jhabua arrested two peddlers with 20-gram brown sugar worth Rs 90,000.
Those arrested were identified as Rajesh Damor, 30, of Sajeli Malji and Mahendra alias Sonu Chauhan, 32, of Nai Basti, Petlawad. They have been booked under Section 8/20 of the NDPS Act.
Police said that they were tipped-off about two persons roaming around Sajeli village railway gate with banned substances for customers.
After verifying the information, police team rushed to the spot and apprehended the duo with 20 grams of brown sugar.
Police produced them before court and sought their police remand to ascertain the source and the delivery point of the drugs.
Police said that prior to this, Mahendra alias Sonu was booked under Section 8/20 the NDPS Act at Kalyanpura police station.