Indore (Madhya Pradesh): Chief Minister Mohan Yadav will visit the city on Tuesday. As per the scheduled programme, the CM will reach Devi Ahilyabai Holkar Airport at 03:25 pm on August 13. He will attend various local programmes in the city. Yadav will leave for Bhopal from the airport at 7:30 pm.
Indore Youth rRpresents India At BRICS Youth Summit
Prakhar Dave | FP Photo
Indore (Madhya Pradesh): Indore's youth icon and technology expert Prakhar Dave represented India at BRICS Youth Summit held in Russia as the sole delegate from Madhya Pradesh. During his address, Dave provided detailed insights into India’s technological innovations, particularly in the field of information technology and banking.
His compelling presentation won admiration from representatives of other BRICS countries, who were highly impressed by India’s achievements in these sectors. Dave also advocated for the adoption of India’s payment interface innovations across all BRICS countries.
Over the four-day event, participants from the five countries discussed the current state of interrelations among their youth and decided to enhance cooperation in five key areas: education and skill development, entrepreneurship, technology and innovation, health, and sports.
Dave represented India in the discussions on science, technology, and innovation, highlighting how Indian youth have excelled globally, particularly in computer science and information technology.